Ishaan Mahajan

iam2141 [at] columbia [dot] edu


Masters Student

Columbia University

I am a first-year master’s student at Columbia University, advised by Professor Brian Plancher. My research is focused on enhancing the speed and safety of autonomous systems while exploring the crucial aspects of perception, planning, and control.

I completed my bachelor’s degree at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, where I majored in Computer Science and Data Science. During my undergraduate studies, I worked under Professor Dan Negrut, where I mainly focussed on mitigating the Sim2Real gap for autonomous agents. I was also a part of Wisconsin Autonomous, where I worked as the AV Infrastructure Lead.

Outside robotics, I like engaging myself in physical activity. I like playing squash, running, hiking, and lifting. I also like following other sports like Tennis, Cricket, and Formula One.

selected publications

  1. driveline.png
    A Library of Lower Fidelity Dynamics Models (LFDMs) For On-Road Vehicle Dynamics Targeting Faster Than Real-Time Applications
    Huzaifa Mustafa Unjhawala,  Ishaan Mahajan , Radu Serban, and Dan Negrut
    Journal of Open Source Software, 2024
  2. training.png
    Using Simulation to Design Path Following and Obstacle Avoidance Policies for Autonomous Robots
    Harry Zhang, Stefan Caldararu, Alexis Ruiz, Huzaifa Unjhawala, Nevindu Batagoda,  Ishaan Mahajan , Sriram Ashokkumar, Jason Zhou, Aaron Young, and Dan Negrut
  3. dodge.png
    Evaluating the Sim-to-Real Transferability of End-to-End Control Policies for Autonomous Vehicles Operating on Deformable Terrains
    Huzaifa Unjhawala, Zhenhao Zhou,  Ishaan Mahajan , Harry Zhang, Alexis Ruiz, Radu Serban, and Dan Negrut
  4. ROS_breakdown.png
    Rapid Development of an Autonomous Vehicle for the SAE AutoDrive Challenge II Competition
    Sriram Ashokkumar, Anirudh Jayendra, Sam Tobin, Ariel Leykin, Robert Stegeman, Abhiraj Dashora, Bryan Look, Joseph Koenig, Brian Hu, Mason Crooks,  Ishaan Mahajan , and  others
  5. ART_ATKstack.jpg
    An Overview of a Framework for Designing Robot Autonomy Stacks in Simulation
    Thomas Hansen, Shouvik Chatterjee, Sriram Ashokkumar,  Ishaan Mahajan , Harry Zhang, Stefan Caldararu, Abhiraj Dashora, Aaron Young, He Shen, Luning Fang, and  others
    ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Multibody Dynamics, 2023
  6. dART.png
    A Case Study of the Sim-to-Real Gap When Designing PID and MPC Controllers in Simulation
    Harry Zhang, Stefan Caldararu, Thomas Hansen, Shouvik Chatterjee, Nevindu Batagoda,  Ishaan Mahajan , Sriram Ashokkumar, Aaron Young, Luning Fang, He Shen, and  others
    ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Multibody Dynamics, 2023